Sunday, April 6, 2008

Prophetic Ears

Last night at the April 2008 Priesthood Session the newly called Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints surprised attendees by moving his ears. Laughter erupted as the hilarious story reached it's climax.

Here is the story to the best of my memory:
Several years ago President Monson was sitting on the stand waiting for his turn to speak. During the meeting he noticed a young man situated near the front who was watching him. President Monson started paying attention to the young man and realized that if he crossed his leg the boy would cross his leg. If he put his leg down and crossed his other leg the boy followed. If he put his hands in his lap then the boy put his hands in his lap. Then President Monson decided he was not going to let the boy win. So what did he do? He did the ultimate action. He wiggled his ears! (At this point the audience was rolling with laughter as President Monson wiggled his ears) The boy looked at him in shock. He then tried to do it himself but could not. He turned to his dad, quickly whispered something to him, pointed to his ears, and then pointed to President Monson. The father looked at President Monson in anticipation for him to do it again. But President Monson just folded his arms and looked as if he didn't know what was going on. He had won!

You can listen to or view the talk by clicking here . It may not be available until Sunday afternoon or later.

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