Sunday, April 6, 2008

2008 April General Conference Notes - Sunday AFTERNOON

These are my notes taken from the Annual General Conference for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on Sunday afternoon April 6th, 2008. I am writing these for my own benefit but maybe it will help others as well. Note: Many of these notes may be what went through my head and might not have ever been said by the speaker.

Jeffrey R. Holland
- Some don't believe LDS faith is Christian because:
1. We believe that Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are three separate individuals.
2. We believe that God continues to communicate his doctrines to us through revelation.
He talked about #1 last conference. Now he will talk about #2.
- Revelations said don't add to or take from. It is talking about Revelations not the whole Bible. Bible didn't exist at that time.
- Every prophet in the Old Testament and the New Testament added to the revelation from the previous. Revelation must happen differently for each generation. Truth doesn't change though the messages might change.
- The Bible is very important scripture to us.
- Not all God's doctrine could even fit in the Bible alone.
- Many religions fight over the doctrines of the Bible. Though it was the only thing common with many religions. the Bible wasn't a common ground it was a battle ground.
- The Bible is not what makes an individual a Christian.
- The ultimate source of truth and knowledge comes directly from God through revelation.
- We believe that God will yet reveal important principles.
- All are invited to learn of the truths revealed to us since the bible.
- God is, not was. God speaks, not spoke.
- God lives, loves us, and speaks to us.

David A. Bednar
- Ask in Faith
- Emphasis "meaningful" when talking about meaningful prayer.
- Joseph Smith prayed a meaningful prayer. He focused not just on what he needed to know but also what needed to be done. Not just which church is right but which church should he join. He was determined to act.
- We must act upon the things we have asked of Heavenly Father.
- We pray for the safety of the missionaries and that they will find those prepared for the message. But it is ultimately our responsibility to find people for the missionaries to teach. They are full time teachers. We are full time searchers.
- Pray to act, not just to express.
- Pray to be able to help and also to overcome anxiety/fear in order to act.
- Prayer becomes meaningful when we ask and we act on the opportunities.
- Told story of boy who got sick while traveling. Father gave blessing. Mother offered prayer. Boy wasn't getting better. They needed to act. Mother prayed to increase faith so they would be able to act to do what needed to do. Shortly after prayer the son started getting better.
- We receive no witness until after a trial of our faith.
- Told another story of a man who went inactive. When daughter was 4 she ended up int he hospital. He finally started praying to help her. Then his prayers changed and were asking for him to have understanding of what was going on. Girl went into coma. Mother and Father prayed for one more opportunity to hug their daughter while awake. She woke up long enough for them to give her hugs and then she slipped away.
- Asking is not enough. We must be willing to trust God and act on what he decides for us. "Never the less, not my will but thine be done."
- Answers may not be what we expect or the way we anticipate.
- Meaningful prayer is a privilege.

W. Craig Zwick
- When Joseph told about his experience he was ridiculed.
- Joseph grew in all ways though many were against him and tried to stop him.
- Talked about a teenage boy who tries his best but there are many temptations everywhere. Anxiety and fear of rejection are common and overpowering. He asked his mother, "Do I have to lower my standards to keep my friends?" Mother answered, "NO."
- Are we lowering our standards to fit in? At work? At school? In the neighborhood?
- God loves you. Live up to your standards even when it is not easy.
- Look for friends with integrity and character. Pray for help and protection.
- Talked about Lehi's Dream. Those in the building were trying to get people off the path. It looked like they were having fun in the building. "But we heeded them not."
- We cannot yield! We must take an unyielding stand. Follow the prophets.
- Are we willing to not give in to the "popular" battle.
- God hath not given us fear but of power.
- Abinidi taught about this. He had an opportunity to deny and live but he said he would not recall his words "because they are true."
- We must build ourselves upon the rock and fortify ourselves spiritually.

Robert R. Steuer
- When put flash light up to your hand you can see light within you.
- How do we get the spiritual light within us.
1. Learn True Doctrine.
- The word of God is the Doctrine taught by God through his apostles.
- The light of Christ is also talked about as the spirit of Christ.
- Today scientists are talking about light being a carrier or a messenger.
2. Gain Testimony
- The light of truth causes us to want to gain a testimony
- Deeper testimony is grown when we seek the truth.
- Spiritual knowledge is available for everyone but it must be seeked.
- All things denote that there is a God.
3. We must live courageously according to the light that we have received.
- Those who receive light and use it correctly will grow in greater light.
- But as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.
- As we live in harmony with the truth of the doctrine we will see more clearly.

Dennis B. Neuenschwander
- When woman touched Christ in crowded road she was healed. Christ knew that someone had touched him because virtue had gone out of him. Disciples didn't understand him because there were so many people around him and touching him.
- The woman was desperate for help and she stayed determined to do what she set out to do, and she was healed.
- Alma was amongst a crowd of priests who lied to the people. They mocked Abinidi but Alma took to heart what he had taught. He stepped away from the crowd to follow what he knew was right.
- Lehi's dream. Crowd in large and spacious building were turning people away from the straight and narrow path.
- We are all among the crowds of the world. Many know it would just require a touch to be healed. Many know the truth and have to step away from everything to do what is right. Many know they are headed on the right path and will keep going though others are mocking them.
- Christ has gone through more than we can understand and did not give in to the crowd.
- We need to pass through all the crowds of this world and press forward towards Christ.

Lance B. Wickman
- Told story of him returning to a place where he had previously been to battle. He went to visit the battle grounds. Instead of battle ruined land he found good people. He half expected to find yesterday but he found today and a hope of tomorrow.
- "They can't kill a tough old bird like me."
- Mortality is so fragile. One heart beat is between us a the next life. It does not go on forever.
- This life is the time to prepare to meet God and to perform their labors.
- The person we are when we depart this life will be the person we are when we arrive at the next.
- This life is not a time for gathering but for a time of giving.
- We must seek and tender the forgiveness.
- Today is the day to forgive others of their trespasses.
- Repenting and forgiving are among the chief things God requires of us.
- God lowered below all things so we can rise above all things.

Craig C. Christensen
- We have the benefit of living scriptures, from the prophets.
- He told story of giving scriptures to a friend. They had his name put on them. Then they went through the beginning portions of the scriptures.
- The Book of Mormon is a book of promise. It should be read under the influence of the Holy Ghost.
- We must read it, ponder it, and then ask in faith whether it is true. The Holy Ghost will then explain that it is true.
- The Book of Mormon testifies that Jesus is the Christ.

M. Russell Ballard
- All women are beloved of God.
- He told story of his wife always being with their kids while he was up on the stand. 10 years of it he sat with the kids while she was singing on the stand. He was busy the whole time. She was watching him and was smiling.
- There is no more role more essential and more eternal than Motherhood.
- There is no one way to be a mother. Each situation is unique and requirements are different.
- What matters is that a mother loves her children deeply and puts them and God first.
- It is important to teach our children everything we can before they leave home.
- The interaction of the mothers to the children is essential and heavily determines how the children grow.
- Mothers may feel they don't get the appreciation for what they do. But there is much gratitude and appreciation for what they do.
1. What can you do as a young mother to reduce the pressure and enjoy your family more?
- Remember that the happy times of motherhood come at short times.
- Don't over schedule yourself or your children. Scouts, art, choir, sports, crafts, tv, etc.
- Find some time for yourself to cultivate your gifts and interests. Pick 1 or 2 things in your life you want to focus on.
- Avoid any kind of substance abuse.
- Don't get caught up in mind numbing activities. TV, etc.
- Pray, study, teach the gospel,
2. What more can a husband do to support his wife and mother of his children
- Give more appreciation for things she does everyday. Schedule time together.
- Have regular time to talk about each childs needs and how to help.
- Give wife time away. Take over household for a while.
- Come home from work and take an active role in the family.
3. What can children, even young children do?
- Help pick up your toys, help with dishes, do other chores without being asked.
- Say Thank You more often.
- Put your arms around your mother and tell her you love her.
4. What can the church do?
- Consider the time and demands put on mothers with their callings.
- Remember their family needs to come first.
- All the leaders of the church hope mothers know they appreciate what they are doing and respect who they are and what they do.
- He has known President Monson since he was 21 and President Monson was 22. He testifies that he is the prophet.

President Thomas S. Monson
- Let's incorporate the things we have learned into our lives.
- His wife left a note for him not long ago when she went to the hospital: "Children, do not let your father operate the microwave, or the oven, or the washer or dryer"
- He told story of when he met his father-in-law and realized his grandfather had baptized her father.
- His wife ended up in the hospital in a coma. He sat by her side for more than 20 days. She didn't move. Finally she woke up and he ran to her side.
- Each of us have been molded and shaped as we have obeyed the gospel.
- Show love to your children but make sure they know it as well. Call upon Heavenly Father for help raising them each day.
- Go the the temple often. It will strengthen marriages and families.
- He will pray for us. Please pray for him. And together we will receive the blessings our Lord has in store for us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We believe that Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are three separate individuals